
I started out-processing today. The day started off rough, but got lots better. I showed up at the office I was supposed to be at to pick up my clearing papers. The lady at the front desk asked if I had requested my clearing papers. I said no and that I didn’t know I was supposed to. She said for me to come back at 1330 and I could get them then. I didn’t say anything to her, of course, but I think she’s just lazy and didn’t feel like taking 5 minutes to get them ready for me while I waited. This is the first unit I’ve been at where I had to pre-request my clearing papers. Anyways. . . .

So I came home and did some stuff on the computer and crocheted for a while and took a nap. After eating lunch, I headed back out to post to go to Clothing Sales as I needed to buy one thing that I needed to turn in with all my gear. Then I went and got my clearing papers – 1315. At least she let me get them and not make me wait. . . Between 1315 and 1400 when my appointment to turn my gear in was, I cleared every place in Darling Hall (our Soldier Service Center) that I could – about 7 or 8 places. Then I went and turned in my gear and made a big circle – medical clinic, dental clinic, library (my first and only time in there), PX, and Child/Youth Services. By then it was 3 and I decided that I was done for the day. I have like 4 or 5 places left to go! I stopped at the shoppette and got gas in my car and then headed to the band hall for a bit as I needed to send a fax and check in with my squad leader. I got a couple more signatures from the unit, and all I have left to do there is 1SG and Commander! I *think* I might be able to finish clearing in the 10 working days I get. LOL

Ryan got Robbie on his way home from work, so I came straight home, and my little guy was waiting at the door for me! We played for a while and then went to our church for supper. We had soup and sandwiches of all kinds. Once we got home, it was Robbie’s bedtime, and then I sat down with my crocheting and we watched some TV.

Overnight low: 50
Today’s high: 74

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